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59€ per year
Ensim CP
Terms and Conditions
By signing up with our services, you accept all these policies and rules. You understand that by following these rules, you will be able to get the most out of our provided services, and that by violating any of these policies you may have your account terminated.
1. Warranties.
DuNeX Web Hosting makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. DuNeX Web Hosting will not be responsible for damages the customer suffers. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence, subscriber's errors or omissions, or due to the fault of third parties.

2. Content.

Any and all services provided by DuNeX Web Hosting may be used for legal purposes only. This means, that illegal material is strongly prohibited. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any United States Federal, State and/or City law, is prohibited. Any data that violates international laws, is forbidden as well. All content that we judge threatening or obscene, and/or material protected by trade secret and other statue can and will be reviewed by DuNeX Web Hosting. Any material that fits into any of the above and below cases, can be deleted with no prior warning by DuNeX Web Hosting.
DuNeX Web Hosting forbids any material that is listed below. This includes but is not limited to links or any material referring to the following:
a. Pirated software.
b. Hackers material
c. Pornography of any kind
d. Warez Sites (Cracks to licensed software for example)
e. Illegal audio/video (illegal mp3, illegal recorded samples)

DuNeX Web Hosting will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. You will be notified in time, and you'll have to remove (censor) the material we'll point out, immediately. If DuNeX Web Hosting will need to contact you more than 3 times about a violation caused by you, your account will be discontinued with no refund.

3. Refund policy.

All refunds requested with a valid complaint will get a refund of the month's hosting. A valid complaint is determined by DuNeX Web Hosting. These include but are not limited to: - server down for several days in a row
- No service provided in over a week
- IF customer can support or prove his or her complaint in a valid manner
- DuNeX Web Hosting overcharged credit card

Some customers may request refunds, whereas their reasons are not valid. These include, but are not limited to:
- Slow connection caused by client's ISP/network
- Client's ignorance and/or negligence
- Already having logged in to his or her account many times
- Nonpayment for service by customer

For all new domains, there is a yearly non-refundable registration fee. DuNeX Web Hosting will automatically charge your account Wallet for this fee as well as all annual non-refundable renewal fees on your behalf while your DuNeX Web Hosting account is active. These fees will appear in your billing account billing history.

4. Shell and crontabs.

We don't allow for customers to setup their own background programs. Background programs can and do slow down servers. Shell is not allowed for security reasons. We currently do not allow IRC or IRC bots to be operated on our servers, sorry. These tend to be huge system resource hogs.

5. Copyright policy.

Customer warrants that any material submitted for publication on DuNeX Web Hosting does not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory common law or proprietary interest of others or contain anything obscene or libelous. DuNeX Web Hosting reserves the right to remove any and all materials which infringe on copyright work. Such materials may be removed at any time upon receiving a complaint and or notice of copyright infringement.

6. Spam and abuse.

As long as multiple recipients haven't agreed to be on your mailing list, then spamming, or sending unsolicited email, from a DuNeX Web Hosting server or using an e-mail address that is maintained on an DuNeX Web Hosting machine or advertising a site hosted on an DuNeX Web Hosting server is STRICTLY prohibited. DuNeX Web Hosting will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. Any attempts to undermine or cause harm to a DuNeX Web Hosting server or customer of DuNeX Web Hosting is strictly prohibited, and is followed by deactivation of account with no refund.

7. Payments.

Upon signup each user is assigned an internal payment account called Wallet. Initially the Wallet would have zero ($0.00) balance. All recurring charges are attached to the Wallet, not to the credit card of the user. It is customer's responsibility to ensure that the Wallet contains sufficient amount to cover upcoming payments. Users that do not have enough funds on their Wallet account will receive an automatic e-mail reminder. Failure to rebill next month fee would result in immediate account suspension. Suspended accounts would be kept 1 month. Exceptions may apply.

8. Disclaimer.

DuNeX Web Hosting requires that its agreements be made with a person who is qualified to contract. As such, subscriber must be over the age of eighteen (18) years. DuNeX Web Hosting cannot accept payments from persons who are not at least eighteen (18) years of age.

9. Domain registrations.

If a customer registers domain name through DuNeX Web Hosting then he/she authorizes DuNeX Web Hosting to register the domain name using his/her contact information provided during signup. For all new domains, there is a yearly non-refundable registration fee. DuNeX Web Hosting will automatically charge your account Wallet for this fee as well as all annual non-refundable renewal fees on your behalf while your DuNeX Web Hosting account is active. These fees will appear in your billing account billing history.

10. Server usage.

Many things can slow down a server. In order to guarantee the fastest possible connections, we need to monitor our servers for processes that overload them. Any party that slows our servers down, can and will be notified. DuNeX Web Hosting reserves the right to kill any process (i.e. end a software's execution) that is overloading a server, or slowing it down heavily.

Any contents on this page is subject to change without prior notice. Customer is responsible for regularly reviewing these Rules and Regulations (policies). Continued use of DuNeX Web Hosting services following any such changes shall constitute the Customer's acceptance of such changes.
Server System
Register you domain today with PayPal or Credit Card!
* In case You break the monthly data transfer limit, we will have to charge You additional 5.99 euros per Gb
© 2003 - 2006 DuNeX Web Hosting Provider, Inc. All rights reserved. The Contract about Web Hosting